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Montaña Belfate
Montaña Belfate
Montaña Belfate
Montaña Belfate
Elevation: 530m
Country: Honduras
County/Shire: Colon
Area: Belfate
Date: 2021-05-27
Blog: Evening run alone from Hospital Loma de luz. 2:33 h up and down 7k and 560 ascend meters.
The route
El naranjito
El naranjito
El naranjito
El naranjito
Elevation: 816m
Country: Honduras
County/Shire: Colon
Area: Belfate
Date: 2021-05-22
Blog: Bike and hike tour together with my friend Dave from US somewhere that work as a missionary in Honduras. Real warm and real sweaty.
The route
Montaña Belfate
Montaña Belfate
Montaña Belfate
Montaña Belfate
Elevation: 530m
Country: Honduras
County/Shire: Colon
Area: Belfate
Date: 2021-05-08
Blog: First climb in Honduras. Extremly heat out there....
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