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Col De Pecuraccio
Col De Pecuraccio
Col De Pecuraccio
Col De Pecuraccio
Elevation: 1065m
Country: France
County/Shire: Haute-Corse
Area: Linguezzetta
Date: 2017-09-14
Blog: A shorter run to the summit and a lot of lizards. Really not nice.... For a man from the north.
La Muvrella
La Muvrella
La Muvrella
La Muvrella
Elevation: 2148m
Country: France
County/Shire: Haute-Corse
Area: Asco
Date: 2017-09-11
Blog: Start from Haut-Asco and walk the steep part of G20 route to the ridge and after that a half non exist trail to the summit. Some scrampling to the summit. Easy but fun. Really cool weather. On picture 1 the summit is the one to the right.
The move
Punta Liatoghju
Punta Liatoghju
Punta Liatoghju
Punta Liatoghju
Elevation: 222m
Country: France
County/Shire: Haute-Corse
Area: Losari
Date: 2017-09-09
Blog: A small and cute mountain in norht Corsica close to the ocean. A short run to the summit and back down.
The move
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