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Östra Bunnerstöten, Buantantjahke
Östra Bunnerstöten, Buantantjahke
Östra Bunnerstöten, Buantantjahke
Östra Bunnerstöten, Buantantjahke
Elevation: 1502m
Country: Sweden
County/Shire: Jämtland
Area: Bunnerfjällen
Date: 2015-03-21
Blog: It was sunny most of the hole day. But on the summit of Östra Bunnerstöten it was both windy and fog. But steep skiing and good snow the hole run.
The move
Östra Bunnerstöten, Buantantjahke
Östra Bunnerstöten, Buantantjahke
Östra Bunnerstöten, Buantantjahke
Östra Bunnerstöten, Buantantjahke
Elevation: 1502m
Country: Sweden
County/Shire: Jämtland
Area: Bunnerfjällen
Date: 2012-08-25
Blog: 2001 in oktober I did this first time. Snow and dark and I have summer sleepingbag and me and Anders Nordvall vi sleep in the tent on 1000 m. A cold night I got reminded even this time.
Östra Bunnerstöten, Buontantjahke
    Elevation: 1502m
Country: Sweden
County/Shire: Jämtland
Area: Bunnerfjällen
Date: 2001-10-03
Östra Endalshöjden, Johkenjeanantjahke
    Elevation: 1130m
Note: 1130+
Country: Sweden
County/Shire: Jämtland
Area: Sylarna
Date: 2003-08-10
Elevation: 1205m
Note: 1191 on some maps
Country: Norway
County/Shire: Finnmark
Area: Øksfjord
Date: 2012-05-11
Blog: 1205 in old maps and the most maps. 1191 on Norgeskart.no. It´s glacier thats why. On the maps from -75 isen´t both Øksfjordjøkelen and Loppatinden a summit because it´s not enough fallmeters between them. It´s only 25 fallmeters but nowadays the glaciers melted enough for to be 2 summits. On my unprofessions measurement with the "Suunto Ambit" of this summit a got 74 - 80 fallmeters between this mountain. Maybe in future Øksfjordjøkelen it´s lower than Loppatinden.
See my move and the different between these summit.
Suunto Ambit
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